We help you shape your sector's regulation framework and effectively improve your position.
Economic Policy
We assess the impact of changes to economic regulation by developing realistic counterfactual scenarios.
Competition Economics
Our economic analysis adds substance to your line of argument in proceedings with competition authorities.
Dispute Support
We provide rigorous economic analysis to support you during dispute resolution.
We quantify your firm’s value using methods from modern Corporate Finance that reflect business growth outlook, competitive constraints, and market uncertainty.
Strategy and Pricing
We support you in developing competitive edges and finding optimal prices based on quantitative methods.
Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
We advise you on how to benchmark performance and analyze efficiency or productivity using quantitative methods.
Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies
You are interested in the economic aspects of blockchains and their applications in your business. We provide orientation and show you opportunities and challenges.
Data Science
We help you to structure and extract value from your data.
Our staff has long-standing experience in consulting international firms, think tanks, and government agencies. Among others, we have advised the following organizations:
- ANPost (Post Ireland), Dublin, Ireland
- Commission for Aviation Regulation (CAR), Dublin, Ireland
- Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA), Bonn, Germany
- Cablecom, Zürich, Switzerland
- ComReg, Dublin, Ireland
- Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), Brussels, Belgium
- Dachverband Schweizer Verteilnetzbetreiber (DSV), Wohlen, Switzerland
- Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), Berne, Switzerland
- Deutsche Post and TNT, Bonn, Germany and The Hague, Netherlands
- Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, Germany
- economiesuisse (umbrella organization representing the Swiss industry), Switzerland
- European Commission, DG Markt, Brussels, Belgium
- Federal Office of Transport (FOT), Berne, Switzerland
- Itella, Helsinki, Finland
- Israel Postal Corporation, Jerusalem, Israel
- Liechtensteinische Post AG, Liechtenstein
- Mediaprint, Vienna, Austria
- ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG, Vienna, Austria
- OECD, Paris, France
- Orange Communications, Renens, Switzerland
- Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA
- SAP, Walldorf, Germany
- SBB, Berne, Switzerland
- SBB Cargo, Basel, Switzerland
- Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete (SAB), Berne, Switzerland
- Schweizerischer Gemeindeverband (SGV), Berne, Switzerland
- Schweizerischer Gewerbeverband sgv, Berne, Switzerland
- State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Berne, Switzerland
- Sunrise, Zurich, Switzerland
- Swisscom, Berne, Switzerland
- Swissmem, Zurich, Switzerland
- Swisspower, Zürich, Switzerland
- Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), Berne, Switzerland
- Swiss Post, Berne, Switzerland
- TPG Post, The Hague, Netherlands
- transfair, Berne, Switzerland
- United Nations, Office for the Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), New York, USA
- U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission, Washington, USA
- United States Postal Service, Office of Inspector General, Washington, USA
- Universal Postal Union, Berne, Switzerland
- Verband der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie VSG, Zurich, Switzerland
- Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO), Vienna, Austria
- Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland
Also, we frequently collaborate with leading international and Swiss law firms in the area of competition, regulation, and dispute resolution.