Valuation and Finance

Thousands of cryptoassets have been created. Many of them proved to be valuable over time, others have no genuine utility and are therefore worthless. Cryptoassets rely on a wide range of token designs and underlying initiatives, which makes it challenging to comprehend and assess them. We provide the best tools to help your investment decisions based on our extensive experience with the design and audits of cryptoassets.


We offer the following services:

  • Individual Valuation: We undertake valuations of individual token projects for investment choices or regulatory reporting. We combine and use a wide range of methodologies that are suited to the project.
  • Due Diligence: We leverage our extensive experience with cryptocurrencies and blockchain, along with traditional due diligence practices, to provide in-depth due diligence services.
  • Frameworks: We assist you in setting up and managing a cryptoasset portfolio. We offer you a customized framework for establishing and managing a portfolio of cryptoassets. The framework is optimized to mix quantitative and qualitative aspects.
  • Tokenomic support: The value of cryptoassets is influenced by both the underlying company and the way they are designed. With a particular emphasis on tokenomics, we assist you in making investment decisions and to manage your portfolio. Tokenomics of cryptoassets are categorized as a factor in your investment decision.
  • Risk evaluation: We estimate the risks involved with particular investments. Here, we take into account hazards from misspecified incentives to bank runs. A risk evaluation is tailored to your needs.

We use a wide range of techniques for all of our services and an experienced team in risk management, finance, and cryptoassets. Each of our projects is unique and tailored to your needs.


We provide you the following deliverables:


Presentation Report Calculations