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Projects (selection)

  • Independent Expert Reports in ICC Arbitration (2024). Swiss Economics supported on the quantum case of an international arbitration  
  • Nouns DAO: Alternative Fork Design (2024). Can an alternative fork design in Nouns DAO reduce the speculative participation of arbitrageurs? Client: Nouns DAO.  
  • Cashflow Currencies and Capital Costs (2024). How do currencies affect the risk exposure of an airport or ANSP? Client: International Air Transport Association (IATA).  
  • Economic Evaluation of temporary agency work (2024). How do existing and potential regulations of temporary agency work affect individual stakeholder and the economy as a whole? Client: Swissstaffing.  
  • Asset Beta of two Indian Airports (2023 – 2024). How does the regulatory framework of an airport affect its exposure to market risk? Client: International Air Transport Association (IATA).  
  • Flat-rate tariff systems in the outpatient sector (2023 – 2024). How does a flat-rate system differ from an individual service tariff in terms of a number of important assessment criteria? Client: santésuisse.  

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  • Economic support in the merger of UBS and CS (2023 – 2024). Economic support of the legal team in the merger proceedings of the two major Swiss banks before FINMA.  

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Publications (selection)

  • Funk Michael, Spillmann Seline, Oderbolz Nicolas (2024). Economic Evaluation of temporary agency work. .  
  • Trinkner Urs, Binz Tobias, Zuberbühler Eva, Spillmann Seline, Oderbolz Nicolas (2024). Flat rates for outpatient medical services. santésuisse.