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Dr. Marco Salvi

Managing Economist


Marco Salvi is a Managing Economist at Swiss Economics, specializing in economic policy analysis. His areas of expertise include real estate, labor, and regional economics. From 2011 to 2024, he led the labor market, social, and housing policy division at the think tank Avenir Suisse. Prior to that, he held a leadership role at Zürcher Kantonalbank, where he developed innovative risk models for real estate and mortgages. Marco Salvi also serves as an Adjunct Fellow at Avenir Suisse and lectures on Real Estate Finance at the University of Zurich.


  • Managing economist, Swiss Economics (2024 - )
  • Lecturer, Real Estate Finance, Universität Zürich (2010 - )
  • Adjunct fellow, Avenir Suisse (2024 - )
  • Senior Fellow, Avenir Suisse (2011 - 2024)
  • Head of Credit and Real Estate Risk, Financial Engineering, Zürcher Kantonalbank (2008 - 2011)
  • Lecturer, Urban economics, ETH Zürich (2007 - 2017)


  • Dr. sc. EPF Lausanne
  • Lic. oec. publ., Universität Zürich

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Projects (selection)

  • Study on housing allowances (2023 – 2024). How could housing allowances be organised throughout Switzerland? Client: Verband Immobilien Schweiz (VIS).  

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Publications (selection)

  • Salvi Marco, Schnell Patrick (2024). Future-proof professions? How artificial intelligence is changing the Swiss labor market. Zürich: Avenir Suisse.
  • Grünenfelder Peter, Rühli Lukas, Rutz Samuel, Cosandey Jérôme, Salvi Marco (2021). Trade-offs bei der Pandemiebekämpfung - Die unbeantworteten Fragen zum Lockdown. Zürich: Avenir Suisse.
  • Grünenfelder Peter, Cosandey Jérôme, Dümmler Patrick, Müller Jürg, Rühli Lukas, Rutz Samuel, Salvi Marco, Schnell Fabian und Ammann Matthias (2020). Fahrplan für den Corona-Exit - Für die stufenweise Wiedereröffnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Zürich: Avenir Suisse.
  • Grünenfelder Peter, Cosandey Jérôme, Dümmler Patrick, Rühli Lukas, Rutz Samuel und Salvi Marco (2020). Mehr Freiheit für die Unternehmen zur Bekämpfung der Corona-Pandemie. Zürich: Avenir Suisse.
  • Grünenfelder Peter, Cosandey Jérôme, Dümmler Patrick, Müller Jürg, Rutz Samuel, Salvi Marco und Schnell Fabian (2020). Wirtschaftspolitische Antworten auf die Corona-Krise. Zürich: Avenir Suisse.
  • Grünenfelder Peter, Rother Natanael, Rutz Samuel, Salvi Marco (Herausgeber) (2019). Inequality - An International Think Tank Report on Inequality and Equality. Zurich: Avenir Suisse.