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Projects (selection)

  • Analysis of the current situation in the field of biomedical technologies (2024).
    What is the current situation in the field of biomedical technologies, and what are possible areas of intervention?
    Client: Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).  
  • International developments in ESG and their impact on Swiss SME (2024).

    Increasingly comprehensive rules on sustainability reporting and due diligence apply in the EU. What does this mean for Switzerland and its SMEs?  

  • Study on housing allowances (2023 – 2024). How could housing allowances be organised throughout Switzerland? Client: Verband Immobilien Schweiz (VIS).  
  • Effect of price signals and government measures on electricity demand (2023 – 2024). How have end customers reacted to the rise in electricity prices? What role do government measures play? Client: State Secretariat of Economic Affairs SECO.  
  • Economic support in the merger of UBS and CS (2023 – 2024). Economic support of the legal team in the merger proceedings of the two major Swiss banks before FINMA.  

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Publications (selection)

  • Rutz Samuel, Salvi Marco, Sabotic Maida, Gmür Ramon (2024). Study on subject promotion. Report on behalf of Swiss Real Estate Association VIS.  
  • Eschenbaum Nicolas, Habibulina Lilia, Sabotic Maida, de Luze Romain, Meyer de Stadelhofen Leah, Trinkner Urs (2024). Effect of price signals and regulations on electricity demand. Foundations for economic policy.