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Projects (selection)

  • PAEC: Design of a pan-european gas TSO benchmark (2025 – ). How should an international efficiency comparison of European gas transmission system operators be organized in light of the energy transition? Client: ACER.  
  • WACC 2026 for Swiss electricity grids and renewable energies (2024 – 2025). What is the appropriate cost of capital for Swiss electricity grids and renewables for 2026? Client: Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Competitive analysis and due diligence of data centers (2024 – 2025). How is the market for data centers developing? How should a provider's existing business model be evaluated? What recommendations can be derived for business development?  
  • Securing investments to integrate Switzerland into the European hydrogen transportation network (2024 – ). What is the investment need for a Swiss connection to the European hydrogen network? How could funding mechanisms look like? How can investments be secured? Client: Bundesamt für Energie.  
  • Impairment of a damaged asset (2024). Does a damaged asset have to be written off?  
  • Evaluation of the Confederation's Ownership Strategy for Swisscom (2024). Is the provision of telecommunications services by a state-controlled company still legitimate? Client: Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), Federal Department of Finance (FDF).  

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  • Developments in the electricity market (2024 – ). How has the Swiss electricity market developed in recent years? Client: Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).  
  • Assessment of new electricity legislations (2024). What are the critical points of the ordinances on the overarching decree?  
  • Benchmarking and cost driver analysis of German power grids (EVS4) (2024 – 2021). What are the main cost drivers of power grids? How efficient are German distribution system operators (DSOs)? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  
  • Sales fundamentals in the pensions sector (2024). How can complex relationships in the pensions sector be explained to potential customers?  
  • Modelling of debt and capital structures (2024). What is the impact of debt structure and repayment schedule on cash flows, dividends and profit?  
  • Flat-rate tariff systems in the outpatient sector (2023 – 2024). How does a flat-rate system differ from an individual service tariff in terms of a number of important assessment criteria? Client: santésuisse.  
  • WACC for Swiss electricity grids and renewable energies (2023 – 2024). How high should the financing cost rate for electricity grids and renewables be in future? Client: Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Development of venture capital in Switzerland (2023). How has venture capital developed in Switzerland? Client: Innosuisse.  
  • Environmental impacts of DLT-applications (2023 – 2024). How resource and energy efficient are different DLT applications? Client: Umweltbundesamt (UBA).  
  • Effect of price signals and government measures on electricity demand (2023 – 2024). How have end customers reacted to the rise in electricity prices? What role do government measures play? Client: State Secretariat of Economic Affairs SECO.  
  • Reversion of hydropower concessions (2023). What are the reversion strategies of the mountain cantons? What do they mean for the canton of Zurich? Is there a need for action? Client: Study for AWEL.  
  • Supply Tasks, Capitalisation & Governance of a Market Area Manager (2023). Should the future market area manager in the Swiss gas market take on tasks related to supply security? If yes, how should the market area manager be capitalized, and how should the governance be structured? Client: Swiss Federal Office of Energy.  
  • Project support for a revision of the law (2023 – 2024). What are economically sensible thresholds for state intervention?  
  • Revenue opportunities Swiss hydropower (2023). What are the revenue opportunities for different hydropower plants in Switzerland? What role do the various sales options such as spot, futures, ancillary services, capacity and proof-of-origin markets play? Client: Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).  
  • Price tags for basic postal services (2023 – 2024). How expensive are the basic supply requirements today and in ten years? Client: Die Schweizerische Post AG.  
  • Market Power in Energy Platforms and Artificial Intelligence (2023 – ). From an economics perspective, what challenges do energy platforms pose? What role does artificial intelligence play in this context? Client: Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Measures against high energy prices for a canton (2023). Should a canton react in the event of persistently high energy prices? If so, how and when?  
  • Value creation effects of the Climate Protection Law (KlG) (2023). What is the impact of the KlG on the value chains? Client: Federal Office for the Environment (BAFU).  
  • Strategies for international letter mail (2023). What are the market trends and customer needs in international letter mail? How should the UPU respond? Client: UPU.  
  • Necessity and Key Elements of a Swiss Data and Digital Policy (2023). What are the main challenges for Swiss digital policy? How can these challenges be analyzed and classified economically?  
  • Assessing the opportunity costs of hydropower reserve providers (2022). What are appropriate bids for the hydropower reserve? Client: Swiss Electricity Commission (ElCom).  
  • WACC Tool (2022). How can the cost of capital be set in a project- or company-specific manner in a pragmatic but coherent way?  
  • Measures against high energy prices (2022). What measures are being discussed at EU and Swiss level to combat high energy prices? Which of these are relevant for Switzerland? What measures could Switzerland take? Client: Swiss Federal Office of Energy (BFE).  
  • Reference network analysis and cost driver analysis of electric utilities (2022 – 2023). Looking ahead to the energy transition, what are potentially suitable comparison parameters for an efficiency comparison? Client: Regulatory Authority.  
  • Economic monitoring of legislative work (2022). How should the legal framework be adapted to enable sustainable development?  
  • Analyse de coûts et stratégie tarifaire pour le chauffage à distance en Valais central (2022 – 2023). A quel niveau devrait se situer le tarif du chauffage à distance en Valais central ? Client: OIKEN SA.  
  • Feasibility analysis for benchmarking in the hospital sector (2022). How could benchmarking be implemented in the hospital sector?  
  • Support for the definition of the incentive regulation of Austrian DSOs (2022). How should the system for the new regulatory period for the Austrian gas distribution networks be defined? Client: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ).  
  • Determination of Xgen in Germany (2022 – 2023). Have German gas and electricity networks become more productive? At what level should the Xgen be set for the fourth regulatory period? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  
  • Structure and governance of a Swiss innovation fund (2021 – 2022). If Switzerland wants to introduce an innovation fund, how should it be structured? Client: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).  
  • Reference net analysis of german electricity transmission system operators (2021 – 2022). How efficient are German transmission system operators (TSOs)? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  
  • The role of cross-subsidization for corporate financing (2021). How can cross-subsidies be classified? When is cross-subsidzation allowed and reasonable to corporate financing?  
  • Connecting renewable energies to distribution grids (2021 – 2022). How do distribution system operators (DSOs) assess the connection of renewable energies? Is there a need for harmonization?  
  • Importance of parking spaces in city centres (2021). What commercial effects do traffic calming measures in inner cities have in Switzerland and Europe? What is the role of parking spaces?  
  • Regulatory impact assessment on critical energy infrastructure (2021). What are the implications of making critical Swiss energy infrastructure subject to "Lex Koller"? Client: Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Benchmarking European electricity and gas transmission (TCB21) (2021 – 2024). How efficient are European electricity and gas transmission system operators? Client: Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER).  
  • Cooperation Partner for SWEET PATHFNDR (2021 – ). What are PATHways to an efficient future energy system through flexibility and sector coupling? Client: Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Trusted data spaces (2020 – 2021). Swiss data governance: How to govern data spaces such that they are trusted by the public and enable innovation? Client: Bund.  
  • NOVA and platforms in public transport (2020 – 2021). How can the interests of public transport providers be taken into account in the NOVA platform? Client: Schweizer Verkehrsbetrieb.  
  • Damages assessment in an arbitration case (2020 – 2022). What is the damage arising from the enactment of new EC law on an affected business?  
  • Amendments to the methodology for determining the WACC for Swiss power grids (2020 – 2021). How should the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of Swiss power grids be determined? Client: Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Railway power networks and fast charging of e-buses (2020 – 2021). What role(s) could SBB play in the domain of fast charging of e-buses and what could be the benefits for the whole economy? Client: SBB Energie.  
  • Benchmarking and cost driver analysis of German gas pipelines (EFG4) (2020 – 2023). What are the relevant cost drivers of gas pipelines? How efficient are the German gas transmission operators in the photo year 2020? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  
  • Socio-economic value of a postal service provider (2020). How high is the socio-economic value of a postal service provider?  
  • Net costs of the USO of tomorrow (2020 – 2021). What are the net costs of the postal universal service obligation (USO) today and in ten years? Client: Post CH AG.  
  • Regulation, costing and pricing of district heating (2020). What are the cost drivers of district heating? What is a "fair" price for district heating? How should the governance and regulation for district heating networks look like? Client: Services Industriels de Genève (SIG), Office cantonal de l'énergie (OCEN).  
  • DLT for Power (2019 – 2021). What are the requirements for DLT in the Swiss energy sector? Which norms should the sector define to foster the technology? Client: Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (SNV).  
  • Antitrust-compliant pricing (2019). Assessment of the antitrust-compliance of a new pricing model in the energy sector  
  • Determination of track charges (2019 – 2021). How can track user charges for rail freight services be determined? How can they be implemented in practice?   Client: Ministry of Transport of New Zealand (MoT).  
  • Determination of the efficient cost of capital for Dublin Airport (2018 – 2019). Swiss Economics advised the Irish Commission for Aviation Regulation on the appropriate return on capital in the context of its 2019 Determination of price caps for passenger tariffs at Dublin Airport     Client: Commission for Aviation Regulation.  
  • Guarantees of origin to strengthen incentives for investment in renewable energies (2018 – 2019). How can market-based incentives be set to ensure that sufficient investments are made in Swiss renewables?  
  • Benchmarking German power grids in light of decentralized power (EVS3) (2017 – 2019). How do increases in decentralized power affect the cost of local power grids? How high is the efficiency of German distribution system operators (DSOs)? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  
  • Benchmarking European Electricity and Gas TSOs (TCB18) (2017 – 2018). How efficient are European electricity and gas transmission system operators (TSOs)? Client: Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER).  
  • Long-term simulation of the Swiss railways infrastructure fund (BIF) (2017 – 2018). How will the Swiss railways infrastructure fund (BIF) evolve until 2050? Client: Bundesamt für Verkehr (BAV).  
  • Cost driver analysis and benchmarking of German gas transmission system operators (EFG3) (2016 – 2018). What are the relevant cost drivers of gas pipelines? How efficient are the German gas transmission operators (TSOs) in the base year 2015? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  
  • Benchmarking European gas transmission operators (e2GAS) (2015 – 2016). How efficient are European gas transmission system operators (TSOs)? Client: Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER).  
  • Shared economy and traffic in Switzerland (2014 – 2018). What transport effects do new sharing services have? To what extent do new sharing approaches change people's mobility behaviour? Client: Schweizerische Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten (SVI).  

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Publications (selection)

  • Trinkner Urs (2025). Demand-side response to price signals: current findings and ways for improvement. Panel Präsentation Energieforschungsgespräche Disentis 2025.  
  • Funk Michael, Trinkner Urs, Oderbolz Nicolas, Schnyder Nina, Bruhin Lukas, Arioli Martina (2024). Evaluation of Swisscom's owner strategy. Swiss Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC).  
  • Elsenbast Wolfgang, Trinkner Urs, Winzer Christian (2024). Dynamic electricity tariffs - how can they become more attractive for households and SMEs? Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 12/2024:57-63.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Stritt Andreas, Agrell Per, Moser Albert, Ulbig Andreas, Hauk Christopher, Tischbein Franziska (2024). Efficiency comparison of electricity distribution system operators in the fourth regulatory period (EVS4). Report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Binz Tobias, Zuberbühler Eva, Spillmann Seline, Oderbolz Nicolas (2024). Flat rates for outpatient medical services. santésuisse.  
  • Eschenbaum Nicolas, Trinkner Urs (2024). Strengthening price signals in the electricity market. Die Volkswirtschaft, February 2024.  

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  • Eschenbaum Nicolas, Habibulina Lilia, Sabotic Maida, de Luze Romain, Meyer de Stadelhofen Leah, Trinkner Urs (2024). Effect of price signals and regulations on electricity demand. Foundations for economic policy.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Eschenbaum Nicolas, Greber Nicolas, Fuchs Alexander (2023). Revenue opportunities and marketing costs of hydropower. Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).  
  • Bruhin Lukas, Eschenbaum Nicolas, Finger Matthias, Trinkner Urs (2023). Necessity and Key Elements of a Swiss Data and Digital Policy. Swiss Economics.  
  • Gottschalk Felix, Trinkner Urs, Zuberbühler Eva (2023). Incentives of Compensating USO Net Costs. In: Parcu, P.L., Brennan, T.J., Glass, V. (eds) Postal Strategies. Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25362-1_10.  
  • Hafner Matthias, Iunius Lory, Trinkner Urs (2023). Retention Ratios in Retail Networks and Their Application to Post Offices. In: Parcu, P.L., Brennan, T.J., Glass, V. (eds) The Postal and Delivery Contribution in Hard Times. Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11413-7_7.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Eschenbaum Nicolas, de Luze Romain, Apreda Luca, Greber Nicolas (2022). Policy Measures against high Energy Prices. Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Trinkner Urs, Mattmann Mateo, Grichnik Dietmar, Greger Michael (2022). A public Innovation Fund for Switzerland? Die Volkswirtschaft, 23. Juni 2022.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Mattmann Matteo, Finger Matthias , Bruhin Lukas, Grichnik Dietmar, Greger Michael (2022). Options for a Swiss Innovation Fund. State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.  
  • Gottschalk Felix, Hafner Matthias, Trinkner Urs (2022). Net Costs of Universal Service Provision: Challenges for the Coming Decade. In: Parcu P., Brennan T., Glass V. (eds). The Economics of the Postal and Delivery Sector. Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy. Springer, Cham, pp. 251–267.  
  • Binz Tobias, Haller Andreas, Trinkner Urs, Kammerlander Eric (2021). Financial impact of the Corona pandemic on hospitals. Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG).  
  • Binz Tobias, Trinkner Urs, Mattmann Matteo, Wüthrich Felix (2021). WACC methodology for Swiss electricity TSOs and DSOs. Swiss Federal Office of Energy.  
  • Rutz Samuel, Trinkner Urs, Funk Michael und Häner Melanie (2021). Universal services and state-owned enterprises in Liechtenstein. Report for Zukunft.li.  
  • Haller Andreas, Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2020). Funding the USO: Cross-Subsidization and Net Cost Balancing. In: Parcu P., Brennan T., Glass V. (eds). The Changing Postal Environment. Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy. Springer, Cham, pp. 129-137.  
  • Trinkner Urs (2020). Wie der Bundesrat die Corona-Auflagen lockern könnte. Handelszeitung, 7.4.2020.
  • Trinkner Urs, Binz Tobias, Mattmann Matteo (2020). Comparator Betas for French airports. Report on behalf of Autorité de régulation des transports.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Binz Tobias, Rungger Alec (2020). Study on drivers of airport Beta risk. Report on behalf of Autorité de régulation des transports.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Mattmann Matteo, Lutzenberger Martin, Agrell Per, Bogetoft Peter (2019). Dominance analysis for German gas transmission system operators. Expert report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Lutzenberger Martin (2019). Institutional design of the Swiss rail market. 20 Jahre Bahnreform, Hrsg. Laesser, Maggi, Bieger, von Arx. Spezialausgabe des Schweizer Jahrbuchs für Verkehr 2019, pp. 87 - 104.  
  • Trinkner Urs (2019). Market-based incentives for local electricity production. Die Volkswirtschaft, 10/2019, S. 62-64.  
  • Rutz Samuel, Trinkner Urs (2019). Economics of Water. Die Volkswirtschaft, 6/2019, S. 4-7.  
  • Jaag Christian, Binz Tobias, Mattmann Matteo, Schnyder Nina, Trinkner Urs (2019). Dublin Airport Cost of Capital for 2019 Determination. Report for the Commission for Aviation Regulation.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Mattmann Matteo, Agrell Per, Bogetoft Peter, Moser Albert, Sieberichs Marius, Löhr Lukas (2019). Benchmarking of German Electricity Distribution System Operators. Report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Lutzenberger Martin (2019). Effective implementation of incentive regulations. Umweltschutz der Wirtschaft, issue 4/18-19, pp. 33-34.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Mattmann Matteo, Agrell Per, Bogetoft Peter, Moser Albert, Sieberichs Marius, Lähr Lukas (2018). Benchmarking of German Electricity Networks. Report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur.
  • Trinkner Urs, Binz Tobias, Mattmann Matteo, Schnyder Nina (2018). WACC determination of Swiss airports. Expert report on behalf of Zurich Airport.  
  • Lutzenberger Martin, Trinkner Urs, Federspiel Esther, Frölicher Jonas, Georgi Dominik, Ulrich Susanne, Wozniak Thomas (2018). Shared Economy and Traffic in Switzerland. Research project for the Schweizerischen Vereinigung der Verkehrsingenieure und Verkehrsexperten (SVI).  
  • Trinkner Urs, Lutzenberger Martin (2018). Regulierungssystematik für die vierte Regulierungsperiode VNB Strom. Gutachten im Auftrag der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ).  
  • Trinkner Urs, Lutzenberger Martin (2018). Kostentreiberanalyse und Effizienzvergleich der Gasfernleitungsnetzbetreiber - Gutachten für die dritte Regulierungsperiode. Report for the Bundesnetzagentur.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Lutzenberger Martin, Haller Andreas, Agrell Per, Bogetoft Peter, Ahlert Martin, Vossig Peter (2017). Vergleich der Netznutzungsentgelte - Analyse der Einflussfaktoren auf die Entgelte für schweizerische und deutsche Gasnetze. Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Energie (BFE) und des Verbandes der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie (VSG).  
  • Geissmann Thomas, Jaag Christian, Maegli Martin, Trinkner Urs (2017). Mail Composition and Recipients Reaction to Direct Mail. In: The Changing Postal and Delivery Sector. Edited by M. Crew, P.L. Parcu and T. Brennan, Springer, pp 271-28.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Geissmann Thomas, Scherrer Ivo, Markus Kern, Pirker Benedikt, Nabe Christian (2016). Umgang mit bestehenden Kraftwerken zur Sicherstellung der Versorgungssicherheit in der Schweiz. Study for the Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Trinkner Urs, Funk Michael (2016). Entflechtung der Schweizer Gasnetzbetreiber. Study for the Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Agrell Per J., Bogetoft Peter, Trinkner Urs (2016). Benchmarking European Gas Transmission System Operators. Study for CEER (Council of European Energy Regulators).  
  • Trinkner Urs, Jaag Christian, Lutzenberger Martin (2016). Prospective study on the future activities of the Quality of Service Fund 'QSF'. Study for the Universal Postal Union.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Funk Michael (2016). Festlegung des Finanzierungskostensatzes 'WACC' für Gas-Fernnetzbetreiber. Report for the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ).  
  • Jaag Christian, Moyano Jose Parra, Trinkner Urs (2016). Postal Strategies in a Digital Age. In: The Future of the Postal Sector in a Digital World. Edited by M. Crew and T. Brennan, Springer, Chapter 8.  
  • Dietl Helmut, Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs, Bach Christian, Funk Miachel, Lutzenberger Martin, Yusof Jeffrey (2015). Auswirkungen der Initiative -Pro Service public. Study for the Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete (SAB) and the Schweizerischen Gemeindeverband (SGV).  
  • Trinkner Urs, Scherrer Ivo, Martin Irina (2015). Strommarktöffnung in der EU und Folgerungen für die Schweiz. Study for the Dachverband Schweizer Verteilnetzbetreiber (DSV).  
  • Nabe Christian, Trinkner Urs, Bons Marian (2015). Zukünftige Energiemärkte und die Rolle der Netzbetreiber. Study for the Bundesamt für Energie (BFE).  
  • Jaag Christian, Moyano Jose Parra, Trinkner Urs (2015). Regulation and postal strategies. Network Industries Quarterly, vol. 17(3), pp. 10-13.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Scherrer Ivo (2015). Erfahrungen mit der Strommarktöffnung in der EU / Les enseignements tirés de la libéralisation du marché de l'électricité dans l'UE. Die Volkswirtschaft 1/2-2015, pp. 58-61.  
  • Robinson Matthew H., Klingenberg J.P., Haller Andreas, Trinkner Urs (2015). Estimating the Financial Impact of Discontinuing Saturday Delivery of Letters and Flats in the United States. In: Postal and Delivery Innovation in the Digital Economy. Edited by M. Crew and T. Brennan, Springer, pp. 155-168.  
  • Finger Matthias, Haller Andreas, Strube Martins Sonia, Trinkner Urs (2014). Integrated Timetables for Railway Passenger Transport Services. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 15(1), pp. 78 - 107.  
  • Agrell Per, Bogetoft Peter, Koller Martin, Trinkner Urs (2014). Effizienzvergleich für Verteilernetzbetreiber Strom. Study for the Bundesnetzagentur.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Haller Andreas (2014). Impact of Discontinuance of Saturday Delivery for Letters and Flats. Study for the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission.  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs, Uotila Topias (2014). Regulation and the Burden of the Net Cost Resulting from Universal Service Obligations. In: The Role Of The Postal And Delivery Sector In A Digital Age. Edited by M. Crew and T. Brennan, Edward Elgar, pp. 204-213.  
  • Haller Andreas, Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2014). Calculating the Net Cost of Home Delivery Obligations. In: The Role Of The Postal And Delivery Sector In A Digital Age. Edited by M. Crew and T. Brennan, Edward Elgar, pp. 227-239.  
  • Finger Matthias, Trinkner Urs (2014). Wie weiter nach dem Paradigmenwechsel im Service public? / Services publics: où en est le changement de modèle? Die Volkswirtschaft 7/8-2014, pp. 34-37.  
  • Haller Andreas, Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2013). Termination charges in the international parcel market. In: Reforming the Postal Sector in the Face of Electronic Competition. Edited by M. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Edward Elgar, pp. 277-293.  
  • Rohr Charlene, Trinkner Urs, Lawrence Alison, Kim Chong Woo, Potoglou Dimitris, Sheldon Rob (2013). Measuring consumer preferences for postal services. In: Reforming the Postal Sector in the Face of Electronic Competition. Edited by M. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Edward Elgar, pp. 241-26.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Holznagel Bernd, Jaag Christian, Dietl Helmut, Haller Andreas (2012). Möglichkeiten eines gemeinsam definierten Universaldienst Post und Telekommunikation aus ökonomischer und juristischer Sicht. Studie im Auftrag des Deutschen Bundestages.  
  • Finger Matthias, Kern Markus, Strube Martins Sonia, Trinkner Urs (2012). Langfristige Sicherung von integrierten Taktfahrplänen. Study for the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB).  
  • Jaag Christian, Dietl Helmut, Trinkner Urs, Fürst Oliver (2012). Defending Mail Markets Against New Entrants: An Application of the Defender Model. In Multi-Modal Competition And The Future Of Mail. Edited by M. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Edward Elgar, pp. 236-246.  
  • Trinkner Urs (2012). Anbieter gleich behandeln. Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 92(1), 4-5.  
  • Rohr Charlene, Trinkner Urs, Lawrence Alison, Hunt Prisicllia, Chong Woo Kim, Potogolou Dimitris (2011). Study on Appropriate Methodologies to Better Measure Consumer Preferences for Postal Services. Study for the European Commission.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Jaag Christian, Dietl Helmut, Haller Andreas, Verbeek Erwin, Fürst Oliver (2011). International Parcels - Review of Inward Land Rates. Study for the Universal Postal Union.  
  • Jaag, Christian, Trinkner Urs, John Lisle, Navin Waghe, Erik Van Der Merwe (2011). Practical approaches to USO costing and financing. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 12(2), 108-129.  
  • Jaag, Christian, Trinkner Urs (2011). The interaction between universal service costing and financing in the postal sector: a calibrated approach. Journal of Regulatory Economics 39(1), 89-110.  
  • Grotrian, Jobst, Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2011). Ein kohärenter Regulierungsrahmen für den Schienengüterverkehr in der Schweiz. In: Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verkehrswirtschaft. C. Lässer, T. Bieger and R. Maggi (Hrsg.), 2011, 97-114.  
  • Dietl, Helmut, Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2011). Reform des Postsektors in der Schweiz: Eine Standortbestimmung / La réforme du secteur postal en Suisse: état des lieux. Die Volkswirtschaft 04-2011, 43-46.  
  • Dietl, Helmut, Jaag Christian, Lang Markus, Trinkner Urs (2011). Competition and Welfare Effects of VAT Exemptions. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 11(1), Article 19.  
  • Dietl, Helmut, Jaag Christian, Lang Markus, Lutzenberger Martin, Trinkner Urs (2011). Impact of VAT-Exemptions in the Postal Sector on Competition and Welfare. In: Reinventing the Postal Sector in an Electronic Age. Edited by M. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer, Edward Elgar, 267-280.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Jaag Christian, Dietl Helmut (2010). Regulierungsrahmen und Abgeltungsmodelle im Schienengüterverkehr. Study for SBB Cargo.  
  • Maegli, Martin, Jaag Christian, Koller Martin, Trinkner Urs (2010). Postal Markets and Electronic Substitution: Implications for Regulatory Practices and Institutions in Europe. 2010. Journal for Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 4, 382-397.  
  • Jaag, Christian, Trinkner Urs (2010). Regulatory risk in the tendering of rail lines. Network Industries Quarterly 12(3), 17-19.  
  • Filippini Massimo, Koller Martin, Trinkner Urs (2010). Economies of Scale and Scope and Opening Hours in Post Offices and Agencies. In: Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector, edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.  
  • Calzada Joan, Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2010). Universal Service Auctions in Liberalized Postal Markets. In: Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector, edited by M.A. Crew and P.R. Kleindorfer. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs, Finger Matthias, Lang Markus, Lutzenberger Martin (2009). Umsetzungsvarianten einer aktiven öffentlichen FTTH-Policy für die Schweiz. Study for Sunrise.  
  • Trinkner Urs (2009). Regulating the Mail Market. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, ISBN 3838107888.  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2009). Kabelstaat statt Kabelsalat? Umsetzungsvarianten einer öffentlichen Glasfaserpolitik / Un cablage libre ou réglementé? Pistes pour la mise en oeuvre d'une politique publique en matière de fibre optique. Die Volkswirtschaft 11-2009, 46-50.  
  • Finger Matthias, Jaag Christian, Lang Markus, Lutzenberger Martin, Trinkner Urs (2009). Bestimmung des Regulierungsbedarfs aus ökonomischer Sicht: Angemessenheit und Folgen einer funktionalen oder strukturellen Trennung von Swisscom. Study for Swisscom.  
  • Finger Matthias, Horner Samuel, Jaag Christian, Lutzenberger Martin, Trinkner Urs (2009). Konzept eines homogenen Berechnungsmodells zur Ermittlung des qualitativen Nutzens und der Wirtschaftlichkeit von E-Government-Vorhaben. Swiss Economics presents a concept for the evaluation of e-government projects.  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2009). Netzzugang im Postmarkt: Möglichkeiten und Auswirkungen. Study for Swiss Post.  
  • Jaag Christian, Lutzenberger Martin, Trinkner Urs (2009). Elements of successful fiber to the home policies. Network Industries Quarterly 11(4), 6-18.  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2009). Tendering Universal Service Obligations in Liberalized Network Industries. Journal for Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 10(4), 313-332.  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2009). Bottleneck regulation in telecommunications, railways and post. Network Industries Quarterly 11(3), 3-6.  
  • Trinkner Urs (2009). Neue Postrichtlinie: Spielräume der Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung, Konsequenzen für den Binnenmarkt und Folgen für die Schweizer Postpolitik. In: Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Europäischen und Internationalen Wirtschaftsrechts, Band XI, C. Baudenbacher (Hrsg.), Helbing und Lichtenhahn, 337-424.  
  • Jaag Christian, Koller Martin, Trinkner Urs (2009). Calculating the Cost of the Universal Service Obligation - the need for a global approach. In: Progress in the Competitive Agenda in the Postal and Delivery Sector, M. A. Crew and P. R. Kleindorfer (Hrsg.), Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 113-127.  
  • Grossmann Martin, Dietl Helmut, Trinkner Urs (2008). The Effect of Marginal Cost Elasticity on Competitive Balance. Journal of Sports Economics 9(4), 339-350.  
  • Buser Martin, Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2008). Economics of Post Office Networks: Strategic Issues and the Impact on Mail Demand. In: Handbook of Worldwide Postal Reform, M. A. Crew, P. R. Kleindorfer und J. I. Campbell Jr. (Hrsg.), Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 80-97.  
  • Finger Matthias, Trinkner Urs (2008). Does a liberalized postal market need a sector specific regulator? Network Industries Quarterly 10(1), 18-19.  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2008). Pricing in Competitive Two-sided Mail Markets. In: Competition and Regulation in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew und Paul R. Kleindorfer (Hrsg.), Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 136-149.  
  • Jaag Christian, Trinkner Urs (2007). Schwedische Postmarktöffnung: Ein Modell für die Schweiz? / L'ouverture du marché postal suédois: un modèle pour la Suisse? Die Volkswirtschaft 5-2007, 10-13.  
  • Farsi Mehdi, Filippini Massimo, Trinkner Urs (2006). Economies of scale, density and scope in Swiss Post's Mail Delivery. In: Liberalization of the Postal and Delivery Sector, edited by M. A. Crew and P. R. Kleindorfer, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 91-101.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Grossmann Martin (2006). Forecasting Swiss Mail Demand. In: Progress toward Liberalization of the Postal and Delivery Sector, M. A. Crew and P. R. Kleindorfer (Hrsg.), Springer, 267-280.  
  • Dietl Helmut, Trinkner Urs, Bleisch Reto (2005). Liberalization and Regulation of the Swiss Letter Market. In: Regulatory and Economic Challenges in the Postal and Delivery Sector, M. A. Crew and P. R. Kleindorfer (Hrsg.), Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 53-72.