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Projects (selection)

  • PAEC: Design of a pan-european gas TSO benchmark (2025 – ). How should an international efficiency comparison of European gas transmission system operators be organized in light of the energy transition? Client: ACER.  
  • Securing investments to integrate Switzerland into the European hydrogen transportation network (2024 – ). What is the investment need for a Swiss connection to the European hydrogen network? How could funding mechanisms look like? How can investments be secured? Client: Bundesamt für Energie.  
  • Developments in the electricity market (2024 – ). How has the Swiss electricity market developed in recent years? Client: Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).  
  • Benchmarking and cost driver analysis of German power grids (EVS4) (2024 – 2021). What are the main cost drivers of power grids? How efficient are German distribution system operators (DSOs)? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  
  • Sales fundamentals in the pensions sector (2024). How can complex relationships in the pensions sector be explained to potential customers?  
  • Economic analysis of an e-voting pricing (2023). What are the effects of a planned pricing of an e-voting plattform on competition?  

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  • Economic and social significance of the EVZ (2022 – 2023). What is the economic and social significance of the EVZ in the Zug region? Client: EV Zug.  
  • Reference network analysis and cost driver analysis of electric utilities (2022 – 2023). Looking ahead to the energy transition, what are potentially suitable comparison parameters for an efficiency comparison? Client: Regulatory Authority.  
  • Token economics for an NFT launchpad and trading platform (2022). How to allocate and distribute the native token of the NFT lauchpad and trading platfrom Meme Cake? Client: Meme Cake.  
  • Feasibility analysis for benchmarking in the hospital sector (2022). How could benchmarking be implemented in the hospital sector?  
  • Determination of Xgen in Germany (2022 – 2023). Have German gas and electricity networks become more productive? At what level should the Xgen be set for the fourth regulatory period? Client: Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA).  

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Publications (selection)

  • Trinkner Urs, Stritt Andreas, Agrell Per, Moser Albert, Ulbig Andreas, Hauk Christopher, Tischbein Franziska (2024). Efficiency comparison of electricity distribution system operators in the fourth regulatory period (EVS4). Report on behalf of Bundesnetzagentur.