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Projects (selection)

  • Independent Expert Reports in ICC Arbitration (2024). Swiss Economics supported on the quantum case of an international arbitration  
  • Impairment of a damaged asset (2024). Does a damaged asset have to be written off?  
  • Cashflow Currencies and Capital Costs (2024). How do currencies affect the risk exposure of an airport or ANSP? Client: International Air Transport Association (IATA).  
  • Price tags for basic postal services (2023 – 2024). How expensive are the basic supply requirements today and in ten years? Client: Die Schweizerische Post AG.  
  • Determination of the efficient cost of capital for Dublin Airport (2018 – 2019). Swiss Economics advised the Irish Commission for Aviation Regulation on the appropriate return on capital in the context of its 2019 Determination of price caps for passenger tariffs at Dublin Airport     Client: Commission for Aviation Regulation.  

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Publications (selection)

  • Jaag Christian, Schnyder Nina (2019). Effects of climate change on Swiss infrastructures. Study for the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC.  
  • Jaag Christian, Binz Tobias, Mattmann Matteo, Schnyder Nina, Trinkner Urs (2019). Dublin Airport Cost of Capital for 2019 Determination. Report for the Commission for Aviation Regulation.  
  • Trinkner Urs, Binz Tobias, Mattmann Matteo, Schnyder Nina (2018). WACC determination of Swiss airports. Expert report on behalf of Zurich Airport.